Here is how to invite your friends:!

If you’re planning to crreate an event in Facebook and you want to invite all your 1,000+ friends, it’s really time-consuming and very tiring if you’re going to click each of them. Since Facebook doesn’t have “select all friends” feature, Plumbo decided to create a javascript that will let us select all Facebook friends in just one-click!
Go to your Event, Group or Page and click  “Suggest To Friends” or “Invite People”
Once the page has loaded you should see all of your friends, but they are not selected
At this point, copy and paste the javascript code below into your Web browser’s address bar, then hit “Enter”
javascript:elms=document.getElementsByName(“checkableitems[]“);for (i=0;i<elms.length;i++){if (elms[i].type=”checkbox” )elms[i].click()};
If that first method doesn’t work for you please follow the directions below:
Follow steps 1-2 above
Then paste this into the address bar
javascript:elms=document.getElementById(‘friends’).getElementsByTagName(‘li’);for(var<br /> fid in elms){if(typeof elms[fid] ===’object’){[fid]);}}
javascript:elms=document.getElementsByName(“checkableitems[]“);for (i=0;i

If The Above Does Not Work, Follow The Steps Below To Add Your Friends

Step 1) You need to get the GreaseMonkey Firefox Add-On/Extension: Get GreaseMonkey
Step 2) You need to get the “Select-All-Friends Script” for Greasemonkey. Get Script Here
Step 3) You will need to restart your Firefox browser. You need to do this after adding any add-on.
Facebook Shortcut!
With this Add-on, you see when you invite friends, there is an option to select the amount of people to invite. As I am writing this, Facebook is allowing up to 999 people to be selected, but this could change. This will select your friends in alphabetical order. I suggest that you start at 0, and end at 999 the first time. After your friends are selected, send your invitations.
You need to wait a few minutes before inviting more friends.
Also, you need to refresh your Facebook page in between each time you use this. To invite more friends, the second time you will need to start at 1,000 and end at 1,999, or the amount of friends you have. For example, if you have 1724 friends, start at 1,000 and end at 1,724.
Just keep repeating this process until all your peeps have been invited to your event or whatever else your inviting them to.
I know this is a pain, but WAY faster than manually selecting all your Facebook friends.

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